Fire and Life Safety
Expert Solutions for Fire Protection & Life Safety Challenges
Our mission is to protect life and valuable assets in the built environment. GBA’s fire protection engineers holistically assess a building’s hazards, compliance strategies and protection measures. We develop integrated, maintainable solutions by working closely with full project teams: designers, code officials, HPR insurers, contractors and end-users. GBA’s fire protection engineering and life safety services span many markets with a focus on industrial, life sciences and mission critical.
At GBA, our licensed fire protection engineers provide solutions focused on protecting life, assets, property and the continuity of business operations. The GBA team, which is made up of fire protection engineers, certified fire code inspectors and support personnel, are trained and experienced in NFPA codes and standards, model building codes, Factory Mutual fire protection and construction standards, and The Americans with Disabilities Act. They work together to provide support for commercial spaces, data centers, telecom, storage warehouses and manufacturing projects in both new and existing facilities. Learn more by visiting Fire Protection and Life Safety.
Offers & Solutions
Fire ProtectionAlarm & Communication SystemsAlternative Suppression SystemsFire-Water Supply InfrastructureSmoke & Explosion Control SystemsSprinkler & Standpipe Systems |
Life SafetyEvaluations & AuditsInspection & TestingPeer Review |
Specialized Hazards ManagementCombustible DustFlammable/Combustible LiquidsHigh-Piled StoragePlanning & Design |
Fire & Life Safety Lead
Mitchell Waala
Mitchell is experienced in consulting, design and commissioning. He has served as a fire protection and life safety code consultant, design engineer and commissioning engineer for the evaluation, analysis, design and commissioning of new and existing facilities in occupancies, including industrial, pharmaceutical manufacturing, laboratories, telecommunications, data and equipment centers, warehousing and office spaces.