Fallen Heroes Memorial & Pond Renovations
Project Overview
At JCAC New Century Airport (IXD), the Commission worked with Dale Duncan and the Spencer C. Duncan “Make It Count” Foundation, Inc. to coordinate with Ryan Warman of Pearce Construction and GBA on upgrading park amenities and the Fallen Heroes memorial.
Improvements included combining the ponds, dredging the accumulated sediment and improving the slope along New Century Parkway to allow for slope maintenance. JCAC contracted GBA to evaluate combining and rehabilitating the two ponds within the Navy Park southeast of Overland Park Place and New Century Parkway. The evaluation includes a bathymetric survey of the ponds, pond sediment testing, hydrologic modeling, slope improvements along New Century Parkway, spillway structure assessment and budgetary cost for future pond renovation.
Project Elements
- Conducting a site survey and field visit to investigate the condition of the existing spillway and slope along New Century parkway along with the three storm pipes that discharge into the pond
- Review of the JCAC-provided sediment sampling site investigations
- Collecting four grab soil samples and two composite samples
- Developing a hydrologic model (HEC HMS v. 4.1)
- Collecting survey data for both ponds, with elevations measured on the top of the silt and on the hard bottom, below the silt
- Based on findings, providing recommendations renovations including removal of the accumulated sediment, constructing maintainable slopes, and preserving the existing ponds level of service
- Provided an engineer’s opinion of probable cost